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In this pages there are the students analytical projects (Only in Greek)

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Health training: M. Galani (Teacher of Mathematics) who is responsible for this programme, wrote "every day stories" in witch the need for first aid knowledge is obvious. Children participating in this projects filled in the necessary first aid information in each case.
The Health training group of students gave a performance of the play "Tonight we are going out" by H. Mesarhakis with the help of P. Hrisanthopoulos teacher of Greek Literature.
Extra curricular activities and projects
Our School participates in a project in co-operation with other schools under the title :"NATURAL BEAUTY OF AREAS OF INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAINEERING PATHWAY E4"
Environmental education : Students published the first five issues of our school paper "CHRISALIDA" under the guidance of I. Houndala (French teacher) at 1998 and S. Bolia (teacher of History) at 1999.
They also published elegant booklets with "Old and forgotten games"
Technology : Students of part A and B Levels presented their personal and group projects on the school activity day (Ev. Metaxaki was the teacher in charge)
Drama performances
Pantomime during Christmas holidays at the "Creta Paradise" hotel by C level students ( P. Hrisanthopoulos was the co-ordinator teacher)
A drama presentation from Homer's ODYSSEY of the scene of Ulysses' recognition (Ev Stefanidoy & G. Kafesaki were the co-ordinator teachers)
A drama play performed by the health training group of students "Tonight we are going out" by H. Mesarhakis at "Limnoupolis"

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Copyright 1999 Papastamos Vasilis
Last Modified : 4 July 1999