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There will be a full description of the sites of our school soon

Besides the usual places for lessons and sports, the following extra sites are also available in our school:

Computer Lab: In this lab our students can use PCs for personal improvement and creation apart from the lesson itself. They can also look for sources from Internet since we are supplied with 8 computers and we are able for off-line browsing WEB pages.

Physics Lab : This experiment and research room comprises one of the best modern collection of equipment

Library : Our school borrowing library has a while range of books and covers both quality and quality. You will soon be able to see all the titles and some comments about them on line (Only in Greek)

Sports Establishments :There are Basketball and Volleyball courts in the school


Send us e-mail to with your questions and remarks for our Web site
Copyright 1999 Papastamos Vasilis
Last Modified : 4 July 1999